- Get ready for the trip – take a bottle of water, a head cover, sunscreen with a high SPF (at least 50), a towel, some personal things (like medicines if You need, a camera, etc.). Good sun protection is very important (after all, You may not want to look like a red lobster).
- Since Zanzibar is basically a Muslim country, we would suggest You to wear some light outfit on Your bikini or trunks while You are walking along the shore (like pareo, light dress, t-shirt with shorts, etc.). Even though Zanzibari people are very friendly and nobody will tell You a word for exposing too much of a naked body, it is very advisable to respect the culture of a host country.
- Try to avoid taking with You things that will become a waste after a single use. There may be a problem with waste bins along the way and leaving trash on the beach or in the water will be a self-aimed crime (not mentioning possibility of getting a fine for littering).
- You probably realize that Zanzibar is famous for its white sand beaches and clear, turquoise water. Let’s keep this Paradise Island this way, shall we? To do so, we should not litter and if You see a tourist not respecting this beautiful island, don’t be shy to gently explain him or her, why it is very important and beneficial to preserve this pristine nature.
- Crabs are quite funny to observe. Most of them walk sideways, they may live in beautiful shells and differ significantly (e.g. one big claw, giant size, etc.). If You want to observe them, just sit still for a moment close to their holes, visible on the beach shore. Do not put anything there or dig out a bigger hole. Just wait still, and they will quickly appear, entertaining You with their everyday crab habits show.
- When walking along the beach, You will find many delightful shells and pieces of coral reefs scattered around. Even though their beauty is quite irresistible and they would surely look amazing in Your bathroom, don’t collect them, please. Taking away the shells may cause many environmental repercussions (as they are shelters for crabs and some small fish, help to anchor the sea grass, etc.). Moreover, it is illegal to collect or export them (even if You don’t collect Yourself but just buy them). You may get fined or even go to jail. Adventurous vacations are in, but perhaps it is better to choose activities without legal consequences.
- No matter how curious You are, NEVER TOUCH, CATCH or CHASE a crab, fish, starfish or other creatures. Be emphatic and do not stress them. Calm observation will provide You with better entertainment and unique photographs of a wildlife in its natural state of being (i.e. with no human interaction).
- Some kinds of fish and seafood are highly endangered species. Since biodiversity is very important for all of us in the long run, try to avoid eating or buying any kind of shark meat, ray, parrot fish, tortoiseturtle, etc.
- When walking in the shallow water, it is wise to wear water shoes and walk carefully in order not to step on the sea urchin – the experience is very painful and just as the saying goes ‘Once bitten, twice shy’.