Cultural Arts Centre

Sustainable Souvenirs & Handcrafts


+255 773 612 551


Hamamni St, Stone Town, Zanzibar


Working Hours

09.00 - 18.00
09.00 - 18.00
09.00 - 18.00
Place Description

Cultural Arts Centre

Zanzibar has a focus on trade and a rich and long lasting tradition of crafts influenced by numerous occupants. Nowadays, tourism represents one of the most important income sources. The Cutltural Arts Centre aims to connect both tourism and art.

Many Zanzibaris with great talent and ideas miss out on the opportunities tourism presents due to lack of network, cultural awareness and marketing skills. Here the Cultural Arts Centre serves as a bridge between artists such as women from disadvantaged backgrounds or craftspeople from rural areas in providing a platform to sell their art. Furthermore, the Centre provides training opportunities in art, craft, marketing, English and skills in leading workshops.

Volunteers help to understand the souvenir market and the types of products customers are interested in and develop promotional materials. Products offered are cushion covers, soaps, baskets, carvings, paintings, items made from recycled material, jewelry, soda cans, sustainably farmed pearls and many more. Workshops can be arranged for bookmaking, paper making, candle making, painting, screen-printing, soap making, batik and other crafts.

Ecological & Social Footprint